How to Add a Pagination Background Color to Squarespace Blog Posts
At the bottom of all your blog posts is your blog post pagination. It’s the ‘Next’ and ‘Previous’ text and icons you select when you want to toggle between blog posts.
I discovered a code snippet on the Ghost Plugins website that’s totally free that allows me to add a pop of color behind this pagination section.
It’s super easy to do and I’ll walk you through it here in this tutorial. You can watch me do it or follow along here.
How to Add a Pagination Background Color in Squarespace
It's super easy to add a pagination background color to your blog posts in Squarespace using the free plugin by Ghost Plugins.
Here’s how you do it:
Go to Pages > Website Tools > Custom CSS
Head on over to the Ghost Plugins website where you can access the custom CSS to add a pagination background color
Scroll down, select the black button that says ‘Copy Code’
Come back over to your website and paste it into Custom CSS
Change the hex code to match your brand by highlighting the hex code and replacing it with your own
Select save
So easy, right?
While you're on the Ghost Plugins website, take a look around.
They’ve got plugins, templates, and all kinds of cool things specifically for Squarespace.
Q1: Will this affect all the blogs on my website?
A1: Yes! The pagination background color change will apply to all blog posts on your site that use pagination.
Q2: Can I use this plugin on any Squarespace template?
A2: Yes! The Ghost Plugins pagination background color plugin works on all Squarespace templates that support pagination. If you're using a newer version of Squarespace (7.1), it should work seamlessly.
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